The inspiration...
grat·i·tude (gratus)
Noun. The state of feeling appreciative for a kindness which has been granted or given, and (very often) of wanting to give something in return. (quora.com)
con·nec·tion (connexionem)
Noun. The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued: when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenace and strength from the relationship. (brenebrown.com)

Meet Kiana Laurin Tralongo
Kiana is an optimistic transformational leader and connector fueled by GRIT (and striving for grace), who coaches and facilitates with candid, compassionate challenge. After a rewarding career in strategic economic development finance, she harnessed the courage to shift her focus in alignment with her purpose and leadership superpowers: disrupt to connect, live, and lead with changing humans through authentic challenge, intention and action-packed execution.
She founded Kiana Laurin Coaching, LLC on the values of Gratitude, Resilience, Integrity, and Transformation (G.R.I.T.) with the intent to Make Extraordinary Shift Happen (M.E.S.H.) from the inside out. She focuses on individual strengths and opportunities for growth and is comfortable challenging the status quo when it stops being of service. As a leadership impact and innovation thought-partner, she facilitates peer groups of innovative leaders shifting from entrepreneur to CEO, and encourages disruption to create engaging connections. She believes intuition will guide exactly as it needs and we are all in choice.
Kiana holds a Masters in Business Administration and a dual Bachelors degree in Finance and Management from Penn State University.
Vision & Mission
Our vision is to help create and serve a world in which humans-first, connected organizations experience infinite returns. Our mission is to disrupt the stagnant, connect and ignite conscious leaders, unlock hidden potential, and inspire positive change from the inside out, ultimately achieving the unimaginable.
We challenge our clients to see and eliminate what no longer serves as intended. Collectively, we join forces to break through limits and overcome the insurmountable. We are grateful for the lessons in grit and resilience received along the journey that continue to reveal opportunities for growth. Good news friends - the learning will never be complete - this is an infinite game (thank you Simon Sinek). The potential for a more disrupoted yet connected future excites and drives us forward in the pursuit of what is possible. We are curious, willing, and ready. Are you?
Lean Into Leadership | Inspire Innovation | Cultivate Creativity | Activate Awareness | Develop Dreams